About Me...AnnatheLadyonLine

Hello and thanks for taking time to look around my blog.

Hi, I am Anna theLadyonLine
Many of you are probably wondering why I am on line at 60 and making a determination create other income streams for my life.

No...It's not because I need more Money  HA HA HA HA HA! 

It's because I Want More....

More Lifestyle Freedom....

More and Better Options to Enhance My Decisions and Desires


More Ability to Help Others do the Same!

Really I can say the above because.... I know Whose I am and Who I Am!

I have everything I need  for Life and Godliness.  I Really Do!

And that is how and why I know I should be "Doing What I am Doing"
It's just in me to have the best that life has to offer!

And...How About You????

Would you agree that you were created for greatness? Every person is, but, getting to that place in life will take courage and is a product of determination!

Determination is really a neutral word...It can either bless or bring a curse to you, depending or ones' perspective.  Sometimes we are defiantly determined...at other times we can be devotionally determined.

Defiance creates negativity. Devotion seeks the best of quality! Therein lies the difference between continued growth and prosperity and the stagnating forces of poverty. I Choose to Prosper and have Good Success...even at 60!  
This is why I am on Line...

One of my Mottoes is: "Too Late is When There is No Time Left!  
So it is not too late for me...And if it is not too late for me at 60...Then How About You?

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